Saturday, 14 July 2012

Things You Should Never Split with Your Girlfriend

Things You Should Never Split with Your Girlfriend
 Step away from the apartment lease. A brand new study from the Journal of Relatives Psychology has confirmed that moving in along with your girlfriend before you pop the query could tank your relationship. But a fifth-floor studio isn't the only way you could get stuck.

Researchers made a list of 25 shared items from getting a pet to signing a lease and found that each increases the chance you'll stay in an unhappy relationship by ten percent.

 1. Having a child. 
Seems obvious, right? But 40 percent of cohabiting couples have a kid, whether it's their own or from a earlier marriage, says study author Galena Rhoades, PhD., a psychology researcher at the University of Denver. When you live together, there's fewer fears of infidelity as well as a greater sense of dedication, which could be why couples get lax about birth control. Even worse? Becoming a dad without a formal swearing of affection increases your odds of sticking together by only ten percent.

2. Getting a puppy. 
Even if it starts out as person's dog, it never ends that way. There will be no custody battles or weekend visits. And if you're on the losing side, there will be no furry mate to comfort you in your loss.

 3. Going halfsies on a gym membership.
 Or signing a lease. Or booking a non-refundable holiday. Or installing a hot tub. The more tangled your finances, the harder it is to justify calling it quits. We've learned that financial investments are long-term. In case you can't say the same about your relationship, keep the separated, church-and-state style.

4. Sharing a single mate group. It's simpler for a couple to move in to person's social circle when they're living together, says Rhoades. If you're the more outgoing and have designs for the night and your partner doesn't, there's an obligation to invite them along and your friends become theirs. When you live apart, those worlds are kept more separate. Losing friends in a breakup is always a risk, but you'll be over a tiny lonely in case you ditched your friends for theirs.


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