Timing can make a difference. Your egg, one time released from of your ovaries, can survive for between 12 and 24 hours. Sperm last longer and can survive for up to days in your uterus and fallopian tubes.
This means that every month you have a fertile window which covers about six days. Those six days are the days leading up to, and the day of, ovulation.
Timing your sex life to the exact point of ovulation is not essential. Ensuring you have sex in the work of your fertile window is. Having said that, the best time to have sex for conception is or days before you ovulate.
As you can imagine, it is tricky to pinpoint the exact day or before ovulation. So your best bet is to enjoy having sex every or days in the work of your cycle.
But in the event you need to delve in to the statistics, here they are. Assuming you and your partner have normal fertility, your likelihood of conceiving is:
- four per-cent in the event you have sex days before ovulation
- 15 per-cent in the event you have sex days before ovulation
- 25 per-cent to 28 per-cent in the event you have sex or days before ovulation
- eight per-cent to ten per-cent in the event you have sex within 24 hours of ovulation
1- the length of your menstrual cycle
2- how regular your periods are
A menstrual cycle can be as short as 22 days or as long as 36 days. On average, a woman gets her period between 12 & 14 days after she is ovulated.
So you are likely to be ovulating around mid-cycle in the event you have a 28-day menstrual cycle. In the event you have a short cycle, you could ovulate within days of your period ending. In the event you have a long cycle, you could ovulate weeks after your period has ended.
Very 50 percent of ladies have a cycle length that varies by over seven days. If your cycle length is uneven, your fertile window may also vary by about a week from month to month.
So you are likely to be ovulating around mid-cycle in the event you have a 28-day menstrual cycle. In the event you have a short cycle, you could ovulate within days of your period ending. In the event you have a long cycle, you could ovulate weeks after your period has ended.
Very 50 percent of ladies have a cycle length that varies by over seven days. If your cycle length is uneven, your fertile window may also vary by about a week from month to month.
That's why it is best to have sex every to days throughout your cycle. It is more effective than focusing your efforts only on the days you think you are about to ovulate. Also, sex every to days improves the quality of sperm when compared with every day sex.
You may be very aware of when you ovulate, or you may not notice any changes at all. If you're thinking about getting pregnant, get in touch with your body. Look out for natural signs that you're approaching ovulation. These may start about three weeks before you expect your next period, and include:
1- Increased vaginal discharge that's wetter, and like stretchy egg white. This is called fertile mucus.
2- Feelings of slight discomfort on one side of your belly (mittelschmerz).
3- Feeling more sexy.
One of the simplest ways of working out when your fertile days are is the two-day method. This involves checking daily to see if you've got fertile mucus or not.
All you have to do is to ask yourself two questions either after noon or before you go to bed: "Did I notice any secretions today?" and "Did I notice any secretions yesterday?" If the answer to both questions is "yes", then you may be in your fertile window. If the answer to both questions is "no", it's unlikely that you're in your fertile window.
To work out your fertile window try our ovulation calculator. And read our article for helpful tips on identifying the signs of ovulation.
1- Increased vaginal discharge that's wetter, and like stretchy egg white. This is called fertile mucus.
2- Feelings of slight discomfort on one side of your belly (mittelschmerz).
3- Feeling more sexy.
One of the simplest ways of working out when your fertile days are is the two-day method. This involves checking daily to see if you've got fertile mucus or not.
All you have to do is to ask yourself two questions either after noon or before you go to bed: "Did I notice any secretions today?" and "Did I notice any secretions yesterday?" If the answer to both questions is "yes", then you may be in your fertile window. If the answer to both questions is "no", it's unlikely that you're in your fertile window.
To work out your fertile window try our ovulation calculator. And read our article for helpful tips on identifying the signs of ovulation.
Do irregular periods mean it's harder to get pregnant?
If your cycles are irregular, or over 36 days apart, see your GP. Sometimes, irregular cycles are caused by conditions such as poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorder. These conditions could affect your chances of conceiving.
The more irregular your periods are, the more difficult it can be to work out when you are fertile. So practice watching for signs of fertile mucus, using the two-day method. Try to have sex when you notice or more days of wet, slippery mucus. Or you may find it simpler to have regular sex throughout your cycle.
In the event you don't become pregnant after about six months of actively trying ( in the event you are over 35), it is worth speaking to your doctor. He may recommend that you track your cycle for a few months. Doing this will make it simpler to tell how regular your periods are and when and in the event you are ovulating.
The more irregular your periods are, the more difficult it can be to work out when you are fertile. So practice watching for signs of fertile mucus, using the two-day method. Try to have sex when you notice or more days of wet, slippery mucus. Or you may find it simpler to have regular sex throughout your cycle.
In the event you don't become pregnant after about six months of actively trying ( in the event you are over 35), it is worth speaking to your doctor. He may recommend that you track your cycle for a few months. Doing this will make it simpler to tell how regular your periods are and when and in the event you are ovulating.
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