Friday, 6 July 2012


By definition sexual health refers to sexual function, reproduction, desire, ability
and delight and their relevance to and effect on one's overall life. A woman's sexual health is an integral part of her life. Healthy sexual relationships will promote feelings and experiences which will help a woman in developing and maintaining social and interactive skills. It will also contribute towards a healthy heart and circulation. Dietary supplements specially formulated for females will help her to overcome specific health needs of a woman and simultaneously help to improve her general health. There's lots of factors which can affect a woman's sexual health, and they could be physical, psychological or emotional. If medical conditions affect any of these areas of a woman's life, it is bound to impact her sexual health, which in turn could generate issues in relationships and they might finish up with a serious blow to her self-image. A sizable amount of research in the area of women's sexual health has resulted in recognising lots of natural ingredients for their benefits in a woman's sexual health and related issues. However, it's to be recalled that the body needs over a few individual ingredients. For optimum benefit, a wide synergistic range of nutrients, which targets the health of all the major organs (including the sexual organs) and systems of the body is necessary. Some of the important ingredients which can be present in women's sexual health supplements are:

This raises progesterone levels & is an excellent tonic for the heart & circulatory method. It can help dilate arteries, thereby enhancing sexual sensitivity, increased stamina & improved satisfaction.

Chaste Tree Berry
 It balances oestrogen levels & helps in overcoming menopause & PMS signs such as headaches, cramps, bloating & breast tenderness.

Damiana and Sarsaparilla 
 They are excellent for increasing sexual desire and energy. Also nice for the nervous technique. Sarsaparilla contains  Abuilding block chemicals, which stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones.

Dong Quai   
This helps to combat premenstrual syndrome, cramps and weakness in the coursework of periods, irregularity, retarded flow and some signs of menopause. It also increases oxygen supply to the capillaries, thereby acting as a blood purifier.

Black Cohosh
 Has active ingredients such as isoflavones & aromatic acids which are known to help alleviate menopausal & post- menopausal signs.

Wild Yam Extract
 This is often used as a natural alternative for oestrogen replacement therapy. Also known to help in vaginal dryness, which is common after menopause, pre menstrual syndrome & osteoporosis.

Ginkgo Biloba Extract
Improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on a woman's sexual function & desire. 
Having mentioned all these natural ingredients which are known to act as a supplement for women's sexual health, it is necessary to tell the reader that these have not been evaluated by any official health regulatory body, & they do not represent a claim for the prevention or cure of disease. consult your physician for any matter regarding your health & well-being.


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