Friday, 6 July 2012

One Night Stay Precautions

One-night stands: Precautions and Complications

 One-night stands or just-met sex is understood as a single sexual encounter between people with no expectations from either side for any long term dedication.

Devoid of commitments

 These sexual encounters are devoid of any commitments that actual sustained relationships have. Since there is no-strings attached to these sexual relationships, people look for companionship and attention. Individuals indulging in such sexual activity barely know each other and have not very spent any time together. Indulgence in sexual encounters or relationships of these kinds needs to be treated with caution as the chances of contracting STDs is more and can be life-threatening if sure safe-sex precautions are not thought about.

Avoid having sex with strangers

 Barely knowing the person can put you at grave risk of suffering a health condition as you are unaware of the person's sexual history and physical health. Usually, one-night stands are coupled with alcohol and drugs with a belief that it enhances the pleasure. However, this is not true! In fact intake of alcohol or recreational drugs numbs your nervous technique and put your thinking mind in a limbo making you indulge in dicy behavior.

One-night sex or random sex

 Having one-night stands or random sex is an individual decision and personal choice entirely. While for some it might be morally wrong but for others it might be experimentation. However, in the event you are experimenting with random sex, sure precautions can work for your own lovely.

Must Use Condom 

 Carry a condom, whether you are a man or a woman. Only condoms give you higher protection from pregnancy and STDs. Do not use any other contraceptive methods as it may avert pregnancy but not sexual infections.

Dont Use Alcohol And Drugs

1- Do not randomly pick a sexual partner in lieu stick to a circle of acquaintances, who comparatively may   have a safe sex history.
 2- Go for regular checkups to rule out any sexually transmitted infections or diseases.
 3- Indulge in casual sex only when you are emotionally prepared as it can be draining and may feel used.

4-Do not consume alcohol or any drugs as they do nothing for making your sexual experience special in lieu they make your thinking system go haywire leading to dicy behaviour and indulge in risky sex.


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