Thursday, 5 July 2012

Sex Education for the Teenage Girl

Sex Education for the Teenage Girl
 But the DOUBLE STANDARD for females requires that you say no, and your parents and the government expect you to be celibate although they weren't when they were your age. Consequently, you are deprived of information and actual facts of stopping illness and pregnancy.

You've hit puberty and your hormones are probably raging. There is more to puberty than the curse, you know. Boys' hormones are raging even over yours, with an added peer-pressure to score. Add to that the influence of Britany Spears, Victoria Secret TV adverts, not to mention the dumb Cialis advertisement and you are in to the experience.

Get wise, brother.

Don't let them scare you. Sex is fun and can be enjoyed with few consequences in the event you know the actual facts and don't mistake sex for love or committment.

If the boy is that hot to score and you are comfortable with him, make him buy or steal condoms first. Watch him put it on properly and remove it when you are done. A fresh condom every time. Bare back is dull and you will bear the consequences, not him. If he is dull, cheap, or lazy to provide condoms, find somebody else.

  There is a difference between sex and love. Boys have an interest in sex and more sex, but may only claim they love you in order to score.
  Boys are not prepared to interrupt their lives or careers to become responsible for a relatives and YOU.
  Condoms, condoms, condoms. They are the man's responsibility and he had better know how to acquire them and use them properly.
  The pill, in the event you can get it, doesn't prevent illness and messes up your hormones.
  Herpes is not curable or even controllable.
  Social pressure on a pregnant teenager is horrendous. An abortion is an awful choice to must make and the choice may not be given to you. Giving your child up to strangers is a worse decision and you may not be allowed to make that decision either.
  Blow jobs are enjoyable for him but revolting for you. And you still can get the clap from him or worse.
  Sex with another girl prevents pregnancy, but you may not need to be a lesbian and you can still contract a illness.

Orgasm! The whole point. It may take you longer than it takes your partner, but if he finishes before you have yours, dump him. If he doesn't know that you need it , describe to him to try again.

Older men: They may know about how to give great sex, but an older man who risks jail time for statutory rape obviously has some issues that you don't need to get involved in.

Marriage: There are many reasons to marry.

 1-Escape from parents
  2-  Financial security
 3-=   Economic/social upgrade
  4-  Love
  5-  Companionship
  6-  Sex

Reasons one through three are not actual reasons. They switch responsibility for your life to someone else & you are still not free. You'll probably be divorced as well as a single father in 3-5 years with no experience in looking after yourself, much less of your children.

I hope this helps you some. Society is depriving you of information that affects your life & your future. Don't fall in to the trap. But in the event you let it happen, it is your own fault & you have no right to whine about it.


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