In addition to its central role in reproduction, various scientific
findings indicate that semen has positive beneficial effects on human
health, both proven benefits & feasible benefits:
- Antidepressant: study suggested that vaginal absorption of semen could act as an antidepressant in women; the study compared groups of females, of which used condoms & the other did not.
- Cancer prevention: Studies recommend that seminal plasma both prevents & fights cancer, breast cancer, reducing risk by "not less than 50 percent." This effect is attributed to its glycoprotein & selenium content, with apoptosis being induced by TGF-Beta.
- Preeclampsia prevention: It's been hypothesized that substances in semen condition a mother's immune method to accept the "foreign" proteins present in sperm as well as the resulting fetus & placenta, keeping blood pressure low & thereby reducing the risk of preeclampsia.
Further research, such as that by Mathur and Goust, demonstrated that non-preexisting antibodies were produced in humans in response to the sperm.
Semen can be the vehicle for plenty of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Semen contains proteins with potent bactericidal activity but these proteins are not active against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a common cause of sexually transmitted disease.
These antibodies mistakenly recognized native T lymphocytes as ''foreign'' antigens, and consequently T lymphocytes would fall under assault by the body's B lymphocytes.
Semen can be the vehicle for plenty of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Semen contains proteins with potent bactericidal activity but these proteins are not active against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a common cause of sexually transmitted disease.
These antibodies mistakenly recognized native T lymphocytes as ''foreign'' antigens, and consequently T lymphocytes would fall under assault by the body's B lymphocytes.
Its cause could be the result of inflammation, infection, blockage, or injury of the male reproductive tract or an issue within the urethra, testicles, epididymis or prostate.
The presence of blood in semen or hematospermia may be undetectable (it only can be seen microscopically) or visible in the liquid.
It usually clears up without treatment, or with antibiotics, but if persistent further semen analysis and other urogenital process tests might be needed to find out the cause.
The presence of blood in semen or hematospermia may be undetectable (it only can be seen microscopically) or visible in the liquid.
It usually clears up without treatment, or with antibiotics, but if persistent further semen analysis and other urogenital process tests might be needed to find out the cause.
A recent study has suggested that semen acts as an antidepressant in females, so that females physically exposed to semen are less likely to suffer from depression.
It is thought that the psychological effects of semen are a result of its complex chemical make-up including several mood-altering hormones (testosterone, oestrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin and several different prostaglandins).
The effect of semen on a male sexual partner (a receiver of semen) is not known.
In a scientific survey of 293 college females it was also found that those who did not use condoms were most likely to initiate sex and to seek out new partners as soon as a relationship ended, proposing that the chemical dependency to semen creates a "rebound effect".
It is thought that the psychological effects of semen are a result of its complex chemical make-up including several mood-altering hormones (testosterone, oestrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin and several different prostaglandins).
The effect of semen on a male sexual partner (a receiver of semen) is not known.
In a scientific survey of 293 college females it was also found that those who did not use condoms were most likely to initiate sex and to seek out new partners as soon as a relationship ended, proposing that the chemical dependency to semen creates a "rebound effect".
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