Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Healthy Sex Live Makes Men Live Longer

Healthy sex life makes men live longer
                                                    A healthy sex life makes men live longer, according to Spanish scientists - providing you are faithful to your partner.
Italian medical researchers carried out a series of studies as part of the conference, and found that a healthy sex life means fewer cardiovascular problems for men

Dr Emmanuel Jannini, coordinator of the research, said: "What was evident from the research was that men who had active sex lives and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer.

The inquiry was carried out by the Italian Society of Sexual Medicine who are holding their annual congress in the city of Modena.

Dr Jannini said the research has been carried out by the University of Florence on four,000 men and the study revealed that those who were unfaithful had a poor cardiovascular performance because they were "also dealing with the increased stress of their infidelity."

"Increased sexual activity produces more testosterone, which ends up in less depression and a better cardiovascular performance which means an improved metabolism."


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