Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Sex and Vitamins

How To Improve Sexual Health Through Vitamins
                                                 Most people know that a lovely sex life has limitless physical and psychological health benefits, including a stronger immune technique, better breathing and circulation and healthier skin. A lovely sex life can also relieve chronic pain and reduce signs of depression and anxiety. But did you know that better nutrition can help you have that lovely sex life? Read on for an overview about some vitamins that can help you lead a better sex life as well as increase your overall health. Keep in mind that as much as feasible, your vitamin supply ought to come from the food and drink you consume, than vitamin supplements.

Sex & Vitamin A: 
                       Vitamin A is essential for normal reproduction, as well as a deficiency of Vitamin A has been shown to cause atrophy of the testicles & ovaries in female & male rats, leading to sterlization. A deficiency in vitamin A is also thought to lead to a decreased production of sex hormones as well as dry, scaly skin (it is necessary for soft & exquisite skin). Some nice sources of vitamin A are fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables & yellow fruit.

Sex & Vitamin B-3: Deficiency of vitamin B-3, also called niacin, can lead to skin eruptions, bowel issues & even mental issues. Sex life is impacted by the presence of vitamin B-3 because it increases blood flow to the extremities, including the brain. Issues with the nerve & digestive systems caused by vitamin B-3 deficiency can negatively affect your sex life. Some lovely sources of vitamin B-3 are lean meat, chicken, fish, broccoli & yogurt.

Sex & Vitamin B-1:
                        Vitamin B-1 is essential to energy production & the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins & fats, so a deficiency of vitamin B-1 can lead to decreased energy & reduced sex drive. More signs of deficiency include fatigue, decreased alertness, constipation & heart signs (like quick heartbeat). Some lovely sources of vitamin B-1 are nuts, asparagus, beans, pineapple, whole wheat, brown rice & other whole grains.

Sex and Vitamin C:
                         Vitamin C influences a nice sex life with its role in the absorption of iron, the formation of blood cells and the metabolism of the adrenal gland, all processes that affect your sex life. Iron helps oxygenation of the tissues for energy production, while blood carries oxygen, hormones and nutrients to the organs, glands and tissues. The adrenal gland produces lots of hormones that influence your sex life, including a hormone that helps to stimulate orgasm. In addition, vitamin C also strengthens your immune system, protects against stress and helps keep your joints limber and active. Are you able to see all the potential benefits from vitamin C? Nice sources of vitamin C include strawberries, tomatoes and other citrus fruits, like oranges.

Several other vitamins, including vitamin D, vitamin E and folic acid, have direct and indirect effects on a nice sex life and nice health in general. The next step is to plan meals accordingly so that you naturally consume of these vitamins to reap the benefits they must offer. Keep in mind that consumption of these vitamins for a better sex life and better health ought to be a lifelong priority, than a short-term nutrition or weight loss objective.


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