Monday, 25 February 2013

Cure with Vegetables


Protects Against Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer

According to research at Liverpool University, broccoli & other leafy greens contain a fibre rich in the sugar galactose, which could help prevent proteins called lectins from binding to the lining of the colon & causing damage.

Broccoli & other cruciferous relatives vegetables are also rich in indole compounds - plant chemicals which appear to alter oestrogen metabolism, decreasing the risk of breast cancer. out of studies examining the relationship between breast cancer & cruciferous vegetables found that high consumption decreased the risk by 40pc.

A compound called sulphorophane in broccoli also stimulates the production of liver enzymes which damage cancercausing chemicals.


Protects Against  Cancer and Heart Disease

 According to a review in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, individuals who eat lots of tomato-based foods can reduce their risk of developing various cancers by 40pc.

One of the main active ingredients in tomatoes is the phytochemical lycopene, which fights free radicals that may cause cancer.

The facts for tomatoes' beneficial effect is strongest for cancers of the prostate, lung & stomach, but it may even be shown for the colon, pancreas, oesophagus, oral cavity, breast & cervix.

Processing tomatoes in to ketchup, puree or sauce increases the availability of lycopene by softening hard plant cell walls.

Research studying over one,000 U.S. & European men found those with the highest levels of lycopene were about half as likely to have had a heart assault.


Protects Against Cancer,Birth Defects And Heart Disease
Cabbage is claimed to ease stomach ulcers due to the presence of glutamine and of s-methylmethionine.

The folk treatment is to drink a couple of pints of cabbage juice a day, but freshly made cabbage soup is a way more palatable alternative. As a member of the cruciferous relatives of vegetables, cabbage is also likely to prevent colon cancer and breast cancer.

 U.S. study showed individuals who ate cabbage over one time a week reduced their chance of contracting bowel cancer by twothirds, though other studies haven't shown such conclusive results.


Protects against: Cataracts and macular degeneration

 Two antioxidants in spinach - lutein & zeaxanthin - appear to protect against age- related eye diseases, including cataracts as well as macular degeneration.

It is thought the phytochemicals - present in concentrated amounts in the retina - neutralise harmful free radicals generated in the eye through sun exposure.

Curly kale is also rich in lutein & zeaxanthin.

In American study, individuals who ate spinach 5-6 times a week had an 86pc lower risk of having advanced macular degeneration.